Mission Statment

Mission Statement and Strategy

Mission Statement

Pivotal to Open Resource Education, this is a non partisan, practice oriented higher education organisation operating as a civil society. As affilitate marketing officials for Open University’s spin out organisation FutureLearn we promote courses on  global  development in practice, politics, international relations and cross cultural communication which can be accessed by clicking here. The organisation, as a dedication to the Decade of Action for Sustainable Development Goal, supports the American model of Community Action Partnership, the formal springboard for identifying and working with gatekeepers and community links being higher educational hubs. The context of organisation behaviour of higher education organisations, autonomy in leadership and strategy setting, organisational competency and qualification and equivalence in occupational classifaction by civil society organisations, relative to other sectors can be studied under Open Access, Creative Commons, Open License, as setforth in the UNESCO 2017 document which is listed in the resource section below by working on reflective essays. As the mainstreamisation agenda of such educational platform is underway an Affiliate marketing position is also held at Open University’s spin out organisation FutureLearn with wider spectrum.

Hitherto, the main focus is effectiveness of higher education leadership and health services, by particularly focusing on staff engagement, human resource management policy and cultural competency directives. Mental heath and HIV control are high on the agenda. More so, young people’s transition policy in higher education in terms of cultural congruence and the expected divination from cultural appropriation, for international standardisation, including Montessori Way, are the cornerstone of the practice oriented work. Nonetheless, regional representation or imparting knowledge as authors and the closest stakeholders in such production process such as editors and reviewers need to have a framework given the fact that Higher Education has politics. Housing policy, public health work and cultural psychiatry are also the centrepiece of our ethos.

The organisation withstands all harmful facets since politics can mean strife, violence, abuse, threat, unfounded accusation and  the need to be cautious around those sects that have high scores in international indices of peace, safety and security in some corners of the Globe. Needless to say that coercive organisational policies of the West, supported by armed police, do also  cause human suffering in mental health wards and community care directives by overriding the principles of cultural psychiatry. There is an upcoming invited article submission to Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education focusing on the need to have ethical parameter of non partisan policy in knowledge production process, where a statement in editorial policy is already submitted.

Organisational Engagement Model

This education and practice oriented civil society organisation adheres to  the United Nations Decade of Action for Sustainable Development Goal, by particularly focusing on the agenda of strong institution and partnership. The individual membership that is undertaken by citing this website at UNESCO Chair for Global Health for Children and Adolescents, which pinpoints the relevance of hosting universities and invoovemment in the communities that are established or to be established thereof is followed suit. The Role of the UNESCO chair, is setforth, as facilitating global collaboration. It is hereby worth mentioning that the United Nations acknowledges and also gets involved in the work of Civil Society organisations through the website https://www.un.org/en/civilsociety and other specific ones such as Alliance of NGOs for Crime Prevention  and Criminal Justice which is the partner organisation of United Nations for Office on Drugs and Crime. Thus, it is imperative, by deducing hereinafter, that  higher education oriented civil society organisations need to be valued and encouraged for their engagement in knowledge production, being catalysts of change and input in human resource management within the aforementioned specific context. This working directive is not new per se, but it is innovation in service within this context since such organisations contribute in key themes during the absence or presence of giant and mainstream higher education organisations that host the UNESCO CHAIR. It is legitimate to value autonomy and also forge merger or partnership as alternatives pathways.

Organisational Strategic Model for Engagement: The Road map to Competency or Qualification(Excerpt input from UNESCO-UNEVOC knowledge resource)

At this point in time, as the decade for sustainable development goal is rolling out, the advent of instilling a spirit of strong institution in the field of organisational  behaviour is paramount. In the UK context, the Apprenticeship Week is taking place during the second week of February 2021, emphasizing the importance of work and work based learning.

The extremely prolonged Brexit episode dictate trade directives and living within means tested realum. This does not mean that organisational isomporphism and data massaging are to be the norm since reliability, validity, diversity and ethics need to be in check. Be it a scholatic endevour or practioners’ acclaim, the aforementioned premise has to be logically and practically in place. Participatory action research can facilitate the method of upholding community engagement.

Key action points.
1. Widening corporate social responsibility by acknowledging stakeholders’ involvement in knowledge exchange, partnership and making a difference, without sidelining organisational strategy.
2. Measuring social impact, by way of referrinag to Big Data and other reputable resources, in a timely fashion as opposed to waiting for journal article publication, especially those without prepublication platforms for Knowledge Transfer .
3. Measuring community engagement as knowledge transfer and the participatory action research thereof.
4. Defining alternative development as living within our means by avoiding social and labour anomaly.
5. Putting in place organisational constitution that alleviates  espionage, tendency to normalise social and labour anomaly and tarnish reputation are important.
6. Eradicating systems that devalue or complicate the acceptance modalities of old and new qualifications and competencies.

The Background of The Engagement Model

Sustainablity and alternative development are at an interplay dictating higher education organisations’ strategy and alliance formation didactic. Nevertheless, HIV within the Ethiopian context and Mental Health, especially within the UK context are pressing matters, cultural psychiatry not being higher on the agenda posing a challenge. Until a hosting University is found for the UNESCO CHAIR, the engagement of other types of higher education institutions such as civil society organisations  that work on the aforementioned themes and others is unprecedented but need not be deemed as  useless in catalyzing change within the illhealth control and prevention dictum. Their work can be at a small scale level which is often crippled by espionage that the sector faces, depleting resources, wasting time and fostering a threatening environment. But it is contributership nonetheless, bearing in mind that the engagement in this aspect is not the breeding ground for labour anomaly. Their engagement thereafter needs to be weighted and counted in a relative fashion. Taking things forward by making the United Nations decade of action for sustainable development goal a reality by embracing  partnership working as  setforth in this Weblink is  high on the agenda.

A Brief Overview of  This Applied Science University

This is an Applied Science University  which  is enlisted in the UK Apprenticeship Directory. It was found in year 2012 as the private and independent venture of the Institute of Health Services Effectiveness, Aston University that was run between years 2009 and 2011, although an external engagement activity is continuously undertaken with the University over a number of years. The establishment  is practice, policy and service innovation intensive so that to make research a practical applied field for an enhanced professionalism. Practice orientated and evaluative services are also on offer.

Hitherto,  it is legitimate to use the term University of Applied Science as opposed to a Corporate University as per the professional merit endowment.  Organizations that are dedicated to transforming research into practice are named University of Applied Science but this is not to say that Corporate Universities do not rely on research or a university partnership. A forum input in UNESCO-ECOVOC digest is submitted regarding this notion. The broader definition is a Corporate University.

Organizational Ethos

As highlighted above, this organisation is a former Aston University’s Business School Academic Institute Spin Out Initiative which was known as Institute for Health Services Effectiveness and the operation was between years 2009 and 2011. During this time, several intellectual properties have been produced as official Department of Health UK official reports.  The spin out, as Institute for Health Services Effectiveness,  was led by a research fellow turned a practitioner Lul Admasachew, who, as an academic, has worked in staff engagement and human resource management in the UK National Health Service  by  analysing and suggesting an improvement framework for the longitudinal survey known as National Health Service Staff Survey, which has focused on Western Medicine as the hallmark of the service. Needless to say that, the National Health Service Choice exists with almost an infant visibility and vocal stance. Henceforth, the need for such professional advocacy, with ongoing Knowledge Transfer and engagement in innovative framework activity with the Aston University concerning Health Services Effectiveness by encompassing culture and alternative medicine. This was as a Practitioner concerned with impact creation and organisational development as leadership dictums since year 2012.

More so, embracing the employability factor of work-based professional portfolio enhancement through an Appraisal framework as well as independent education has been developed. Professional development can also include the Massive Open Online Course movement. These are offered as innovative service endowments by this organization.

Quality Assurance as a Mainstreaming Agenda

Education and professional standing is not to be below par, nor is the exercise coercive power to become the norm.    It needs to be participative, ensuring the ethos of sovereignty and that is  whether the service is free or not. In fact, many pay for the so-called free service indirectly, through salary reductions as well as contributions in participative platforms.

The higher education sector is facing a rigorous revolutionisation since practice in terms of work based learning is more valued in the employability and having a practical knowledge arena. Massive open online education, some with practicum embedded within it or allowing  a room for such venture are dominating the market. On the whole, the UNESCO directive on higher education dictates that quality assurance and internationally transferable merit endowment to be ingrained in this sector. This calls for uniformity of frameworks, without sidelining culture, since it us a stipulating factor and capital.

Professional PhDs or their equivalent can be attained in work settings,  transitions, progressions as well as from the tertiary sector. No matter, just because an organizational culture has a value system, framework and policy, it does not mean that standard is in check. Thus, the need for quality assurance work.

Herein, the focus is on the leadership of independent education, including the alternative university model, as well as health services effectiveness, one of the main tenants being cultural psychiatry.

Impact of Published Work.

Social  Media  Engagement and Altimetric

This organization follows a thematic analysis and participatory action research framework as practice in the social media engagement  and e-participatory platform as an innovative tool in policy making and human rights declaration undertaking.

The benchmark for twitter analytics is impressions and engagement. Tweets being counted generally does not give the whole picture.

As a whole, the organization flourishes in promoting practice and the aforementioned framework  as a tool which determines twitter  analytics, as an innovative undertaking that expands the social media role more fully.


Hilton.,J, Hilton.,B,  Ikahihifo., T,  Chaffee,Road,   Darrow. ,J,   Guilmett., J and  Wiley., W. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, Volume 21, Number 4, November - 2020. Identifying Student Perceptions of Different Instantiations of Open Pedagogy. http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/4895/5400. 

UNESCO. 2017. Second World Open Resource Education Congress. “Ljubljana OER Action Plan 2017” https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.unesco.org/sites/default/files/ljubljana_oer_action_plan_2017.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj5hJmwiOPuAhXSMMAKHWvlDwIQFjABegQIAhAF&usg=AOvVaw1T7-bUeWIEZpXVI5c79T_K. Accessed on February 12, 2021 at 4AM.

UNESCO. 2020. Notre Dame University- Louaizeh launched a UNESCO Chair on Open Educational Resources. https://en.unesco.org/news/notre-dame-university-louaizeh-launched-unesco-chair-open-educational-resources. Accessed on February 12, 2021 at 4AM

UNESCO. 2021.Open Educational Resources  (OER). https://en.unesco.org/themes/building-knowledge-societies/oer. Accessed on February 12, 2021 at 4AM